GiftsThe Art of Gifting...

Risky gifts. What gifts are better to avoid?

Risky gifts. What gifts are better to avoid?
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A gift should first of all bring joy to the recipient. Therefore, before buying a gift it is better to make sure that it will not offend the other person. What gifts are a bad idea?

Giving someone an awkward or tactless gift can offend, hurt or embarrass them. A poorly chosen gift can spoil your relationship with the other person, cause an unpleasant situation, or even lead to a serious conflict. Therefore, choose a gift not only with your heart, but also with your head.

What is better not to give as a gift

Some things are simply not appropriate to give as gifts to anyone, even loved ones. Others are better not to buy for men or women, and sometimes for specific occasions, like a wedding or housewarming. If you’re not sure what to buy, in what style, color, or scent, it’s better to opt for a more versatile gift that will help you avoid a slip-up. On the other hand, there are a few things (and living beings) that you’d better never buy.


Let’s start with the obvious – an animal is not a gift. Even if a person dreams of a pet, it’s better for them to personally choose their furry or feathered friend. A pet is a living being that requires love and responsible care.

Słodki szczeniaczek
(photo by hannah grace, source:

Things you don’t know about

Don’t buy gifts that you don’t have any knowledge about because you will most likely buy something inappropriate or of poor quality. For example: your friend likes fishing and you would like to buy him something related to his hobby, but you don’t know what criteria to use when choosing lines, floats and hooks. Of course, you can ask the salesman for advice, but when you don’t know what you want to buy and what it is supposed to be used for, even he won’t be of much help.

Cheap and used things

Don’t buy things second-hand or those whose low price is not matched with quality. It is better to buy a smaller and more modest but high quality gift than something that will break within the first week of use and cause trouble for the recipient. It is also in bad taste to give gifts from other people or to give your own used things.

Things that are too expensive

Gifts that are too expensive may embarrass the other person. Additionally, the other person may feel obligated to repay you with an equally expensive gift in the future, and this may be beyond their financial means. These situations cause unnecessary stress and bring awkwardness to the relationship.

Luksusowe przedmioty
(Photo by Gabrielle Henderson, source:


Money is considered a rather impersonal gift that shows that you didn’t want to make an effort. However, if you already want to gift someone cash because you know it will please them the most, do it the right way – in a nice envelope and accompanied by a greeting card.

Underwear and clothing

Unless you know someone well enough and it’s your other half, don’t buy such intimate gifts as lingerie. It is simply inappropriate and awkward. Clothes are also a bad idea – it’s easy to miss a size or choose something that’s not to the recipient’s taste

Trinkets and trinkets

Cute figurines look nice and seem to be a perfect gift for everyone, but not everyone likes such things. For many people it is just another impractical item that will collect dust on the shelf.

Dishes and home appliances (for women)

Not all ladies like and can cook. Such a gift may be perceived as a gaffe, as if you were telling a woman: “Your place is in the kitchen”. You may also miss the right color scheme of the dishes and as a result they will not match the style in which the kitchen is arranged.

Prasowanie ubrań
(Photo: Karolina Grabowska, source:

Articles and sports tickets

They may be interpreted as an allusion to a person’s bad physical condition or physique. If the recipient hasn’t asked you personally for exercise equipment or a pass to the gym, don’t buy them, because you can cause a bad mood and complexes.

Cosmetics and hygiene products

Both men and women know best what products are good for them and meet their expectations. With such a huge selection of brands, fragrances and ingredients, it’s easy to miss someone’s taste. Also, remember that cosmetics can cause allergic reactions in some people.


Surely, many will be surprised that this list includes books. In our minds, this is a gift perfect for every occasion, right? Unfortunately, no. Firstly, not everyone likes reading or has time for it. Secondly, without knowing the reading preferences of the other person it’s easy to choose a title, which will be completely wrong. Third, if someone already reads a lot, you run the risk of buying them a book they already have or have read.

Dłoń ze stosem książek
(Photo by Thought Catalog, source:

“Unlucky” gifts

Some things may be associated with some superstitions and that is why in some cultures it is not appropriate to give a mirror, watch or sharp objects as a gift. Even if you don’t believe in it, remember that it can be a serious matter for the gifted person. Check which items are believed to bring bad luck in a given culture and simply do not buy them

Of course, you can buy many things from this list if you know that the person dreams about it and such a gift will make him/her happy. A gift is a very individual thing, so always consider the level of intimacy and the type of relationship you have with the person you are choosing to give it to. Also consider the occasion for which you are buying it.

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